We are absolutely delighted to announce that all of The Lost World Project Participants are back safely from Mount Roraima and from the sounds of it they have all had an absolutely fantastic trip and we are now looking forward to getting all of their photo's up on our various websites (http://www.ibexearth.com/, http://www.thelostworldproject.org/, Facebook, MySpace etc)- we've had a brief look at some photographs already sent across and they are absolutely spectacular. Now we just have to see if their camera work is as good as their photography!

The participants took part in a 14 day expedition led by world leading expert Stewart McPherson and Adrian Warren who has actually worked with Disney Pixar in relation to their animated blockbuster 'UP'. The participants were able to work with Adrian and Jesse Wilkinson (BBC Springwatch) as they learnt how to shoot sequences for a broadcast quality documentary. Having spoken to Stewart the shots that have already been filmed are incredible and we really can't wait to see them when the film crew gets back to these shores!
Hopefully we will soon start generating quite a bit of publicity for the cause, after all The Lost World Project's aim is to safeguard the long-term future of Mount Roraima and the Guiana Highlands, which are sadly under threat from illegal mining, unregulated / unsustainable tourism and the introduction of foreing species - to support project why not visit www.justgiving.com/lost-world and donate - everyone who donates over £10 will be invited to the Premiere of the final film at the Royal Geographical Society in May/June 2011...must be worth it!
The next blog will provide you with a few more details and some exciting news about some new discoveries of species which the group have found whilst on the expedition - its probably now a great chance to say thank you to everyone who has supported this project, without your help this really wouldn't have been possible, so keep spreading the word and keep a look out on the Ibex Earth website for updates about the project!
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